Friday, 19 February 2016

Enable mod_rewrite in xampp

For some reason my install of XAMPP didn’t have mod_rewrite automatically enabled? Not really sure why  but basically below are the instructions on how to enable .htaccess mod_rewrite in xampp.

1. Go to the directory of installation C:\xampp\apache\conf
2. Open and edit httpd.conf in a text editor

3. Find the line which contains
#LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
and change to
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
Find all occurrences of
 AllowOverride None 
 and change to
 AllowOverride All

Now restart the apache server.
You can see now “mod_rewrite” in the Loaded Module section while doing “phpinfo()”. 

Sunday, 7 February 2016

How to Disable Theme and Plugin Editors from WordPress Admin Panel

By default WordPress allows users to edit the theme and plugin codes through the admin panel. While it is a handy feature, it can be very dangerous as well. A simple typo can end up locking you out of your site unless ofcourse you have the FTP access. To prevent clients from screwing up the site, it is best to disable the theme and plugin editors from the WordPress admin panel. In this article, we will share with you a one line code that will disable theme and plugin editors functionality from WordPress.
All you have to do is open your wp-config.php file and paste the following code:
1define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true );
And you are done.
One of our users pointed out that if you paste this code in the theme’s functions.php file, it also works.
Refrence from

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

How to Remove Menu Item in WordPress Admin Panel

Have you ever worked with a client who has a hard time understanding technology? Well, as a consultant, designer, or developer, it is your job to make things easier for them. WordPress admin panel comes with a lot of options in the menu, but you can get rid of them fairly easily if necessary. With one of our clients, we needed to get rid of few menu items, so it is easier for her to understand things. In this article, we will show you how easy it is to remove a menu item in the WordPress Admin Panel.
For WordPress 3.1 or above, just paste the following code in your theme’s functions.php file:
1add_action( 'admin_menu''my_remove_menu_pages' );
2function my_remove_menu_pages() {
3    remove_menu_page('link-manager.php');  
In version prior to WordPress 3.1, you would need to paste the following code in your theme’s functions.php file:
01function remove_menus () {
02global $menu;
03    $restricted array(__('Links'));
04    end ($menu);
05    while (prev($menu)){
06        $value explode(' ',$menu[key($menu)][0]);
07        if(in_array($value[0] != NULL?$value[0]:"" ,$restricted)){unset($menu[key($menu)]);}
08    }
The code above will get rid of the Links option for all users (including administrators). Only two user roles are allowed to see the Link tab (Administrators and Editors). Now if this is for a multi-author site (where there are many editors), and you as an administrator still want access to the Links menu, then you can add parameters to do so.
You would need to utilize the function current_user_can(), and with a simple if statement, you can get rid of the link menu or other items for specific user role.
This is a very handy trick for consultants and developers who work on larger sites.
Refrence from